【CityU 2021】Shitty Ocamp全攻略+新生懶人包 | LIHKG 討論區

    2024-09-29 07:17

    前日就係JUPAS放榜啦我諗大家應該交晒留位費㗎啦,唔知大家有冇入到自己心儀既大學呢? 無論點啦,如果你係入左黎City嘅,係度同你講聲恭喜先畢竟温左咁耐DSE都係想入間啱自己既U識翻班frd同你一齊渡過4年大學生活 我估大家入U第一件關心既事就係Ocamp啦咁作為year4既死老鬼,又玩過大大小小唔同 ...

    cityu 會計 ocamp

    【城市大學2023】CityU Ocamp全攻略 + 新生Starter Pack | LIHKG 討論區

    話咁快就到左JUPAS放榜啦! 無論點都好,係呢到祝大家入到心儀既大學啦~ ! 如果睇緊呢篇文既你成功入到City,咁就恭喜晒啦! 相信各位新生都對CityU非常之陌生 不過唔洗緊張! 依家我就為大家一一介紹俾你聽City學生之間既唔同術語,等大家同各位City學生傾計既時後都可以得心應手啦! City唔同既 ...

    【CityU2022】Shitty ocamp終極攻略+新生懶人包 | LIHKG 討論區

    Nonju同埋jupas都差唔多放榜啦,恭喜曬直入我城既各位手足咁係嚟緊4年既大學生涯就一定要識返班frd先,咁第一步一定係ocamp架啦係我做社畜前就講下唔同ocamp既特色,希望大家都可以有個完滿既ocamp體驗同埋唔好中伏啦 ocamp就會劃分四類: 大o 係學生會搞既ocamp,所有既freshmen都可以報名,但係su今年收 ...

    CityU 生存手冊. 初來城大報到,有啲嘢唔可以唔識,呢本CityU… | by Gööp — 香港學生社群手機程式 | Medium

    初來城大報到,有啲嘢唔可以唔識,呢本CityU 生存手冊會幫你初步融入又一城大學嘅生活 ! ... 因為return會計gpa. ... ocamp/Soc. 木人巷:reg day 集結全部 ...

    會計學系 | CityU Postgraduate Admissions

    余揚新教授. 3442-7962 ( 直線) /3442-7760 ( 一般查詢) 3442-0349. [email protected]. Research in accounting covers a broad spectrum of issues in the areas of financial accounting, auditing, and corporate governance. The major foci in the department include: (1) various accounting issues related to Debt Contracting such as debt ...

    Department of Accountancy | City University of Hong Kong

    11-Apr-2024. AC Alumni Dinner on 22 March 2024: "Welcome Home: A Night of AC Alumni Reunion and Reminiscence". 12-Mar-2024. Prof. Forester Wong Joins the Department of Accountancy. 12-Mar-2024. Two Publications Co-authored by Prof. Forester Wong Cited by the SEC in its Final Rule: Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional ...

    BBA Accountancy | CityU Admission - City University of Hong Kong

    專業會計方向專注于提供會計專業的知識和職業技能。 ... This scheme prepares our students, both mentors and mentees, to be responsible citizens at City University and in Hong Kong, and to become future business leaders. It aims to cultivate a strong sense of belonging to the Department of Accountancy and City University by ...

    CityU President's dialogue at O'Camp - City University of Hong Kong

    Professor Way Kuo, President of City University of Hong Kong (CityU), met and greeted around 200 new students at the annual O'Camp on 2 September. He was accompanied by 22 members of the following senior management team, deans of colleges and schools, and heads of departments: Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing, Vice-President (Student Affairs ...

    [cityu撚入][細好定大好?] Ocamp的決擇 - 學術台 - 香港高登討論區

    我上年玩左4 個ocamp 4個都好好玩 同都算叫keep 到 同冇獸父 第一 : 大o : 好撚chur 不過都係好玩 好大型 爸媽都好caring 成日都有叫re u 第二 : 天文 : 四大soc 之一(?. ) 冇大o 咁大型 但都好多人玩都有200幾人 爸媽 dormates 都keep 得著 今年仲有好多人爭做番爸媽 ...

    [城市大學 2022] CityU 揀Ocamp揀hall全攻略 | LIHKG 討論區

    Insoc 個名叫做投資學會,聲稱全City最好玩,出名玩得好癲同埋入面啲人非常團結同小圈子,聽講上年俾人滅左soc,但今年又出返嚟,果然係城大不死鳥!. 聽講會揀人,但老實講邊個ocamp唔揀人,佢哋專門揀靚仔靚女入去 ,入邊有唔少嘅CB人,同埋只收Year1 Fm ...

    2021大學攻略-CityU 城大生存手冊

    城大各位入到城大有啲嘢唔可以唔識,唔熟書分分鐘俾老鬼反你枱,問你背左幾多次。讀熟呢本CityU 生存手冊會幫你初步融入又一城大學嘅生活 !城大又稱為Shitty U、Kitty U、又一城市大學、理想大學(Ideal U)及反枱大學。而城大嘅Main Campus同九龍塘又一城完全相連,有一半站內出口都可以直接通往又一 ...

    [會計副學士]abaa 揮手區!(頁 1) - 城市大學 - Community College of City University ...

    香港討論區 » 城市大學 » Community College of City University » [會計副學士]abaa 揮手區! 查看完整版本 : [會計副學士]abaa 揮手區! ... 泥緊既AS OCAMP我都有份搞,,, 有咩關於OCAMP OR ABAA 既野都可以問返我WOR:loveliness: 2011ASCU 2011-7-29 00:20

    MSc Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance | CityU ...

    Entrance Requirements. For Professional Accounting Stream, applicants must: hold a non-accounting degree from a recognised university; or. hold an equivalent qualification acceptable to CityU. For Corporate Governance Stream, applicants must: hold a degree from recognised universities or professional membership from recognized institutions; or.

    [cityu]ocamp同hall攻略 | LIHKG 討論區

    Hello咁多位FM,聽日至大後日就係註冊嘅日子啦。 係註冊後,你地會比人帶到去行木人巷,個度就係你地報ocamp同行hall tour嘅地方。我諗大家應該都會想係開學就識到班fd/玩到個開心嘅ocamp,下面係我以讀左幾年書個經驗總結返黎嘅經驗: Ocamp分析 1)大o(for 所有人) Good: -全間學校嘅學生都玩得 ...

    ASSO/HD 升學懶人包. ASSO vs HD vs RETAKE 應該揀邊個? | by Gööp — 香港學生社群手機程式 | Medium

    到大學玩Ocamp,無論你係組爸媽、OC、定組仔女,每晚夜晚一定會玩房Game。房Game可以稱得上係Ocamp嘅關鍵。房Game玩得開心絕對可以令一班人嘅關係 ...

    【我懷念的】那些年,我們一起玩的Ocamp(上) | I am... 青年職學平台

    Ocamp 是大學入學的重頭戲,無論是身為參加者的大學新生,抑或主辦單位的組爸組媽甚至組奶(? ),Ocamp 都是大學生涯美好/痛苦的回憶。 只是在疫情仍未消失的情況下,如今的 Ocamp 和以往已經有很大的分別,部份規模大減,部份更要變成網上形式。

    【CityU 2021】Shitty Ocamp全攻略+新生懶人包 | LIHKG 討論區

    打手味濃FM睇路 不過其實唔玩ocamp都識到fd 自己想玩就報 不過自己覺得cultsoc係呢個時勢最有意義. 快刀斬大麻2021-08-17 13:10:59. 想知幾時reg day 因為我asso上黎 所以唔太知時間 想報下ocamp玩. 真.遠呂智2021-08-18 14:41:36. 好似好多係上年冧莊. 模模糊糊顯得吸引2021-08-18 ...

    BA (Hons) Accounting | CityU SCOPE

    姓名:吳翠欣 課程名稱: BA (Hons) Accounting , Edinburgh Napier University (Part-Time) 修讀年份:2014-2016 職業:於教育機構從事會計工作. Shadow剛完成「會計 (榮譽)文學士」 (兼讀制銜接學位課程),並獲得香港會計師公會 (HKICPA)2016年度的奬學金,亦是CityU SCOPE本年度最優秀 ...

    Global Operations Management (GOM) - College of Business, City ...

    The BBA Global Operations Management major (formerly BBA Business Operations Management) is one of two majors offered by the Department of Management Sciences. Operations management (OM) is the art and science of transforming ideas into actions. As cost efficiency, customer responsiveness and operational flexibility have become crucial in the ...

    城大校長O'Camp對話 | 香港城市大學 - City University of ...

    城大校長O'Camp對話. 2019年9月02日. 香港城市大學(城大)校長 郭位教授 於9月2日出席年度 O'Camp,歡迎約200名新生。. 一同出席的22位大學管理層成員、學院院長及學系主任包括:. 副校長(學生事務) 葉豪盛教授. 副校長(發展及對外關係) 李國安敎授. 副 ...

    【CityU 2021】Shitty Ocamp全攻略+新生懶人包 | LIHKG 討論區

    過來人表示中o真係無咩用 pjmate又識唔到 所以想識pjmate就玩細o算,想識朋友建議玩ac soc. JK冇JJ2021-08-15 08:03:40. 上莊會花費幾多時間 想識人又驚會影響學業. 山寨嘻哈俠2021-08-15 10:09:36. Insoc真係比狗玩,今年35女又柒 質素一屆差過一屆 當個個soc都差唔多成千蚊 370 ...

    CityU President's dialogue at O'Camp - City University of Hong Kong

    CityU President's dialogue at O'Camp. 02 Sep 2019. Professor Way Kuo, President of City University of Hong Kong (CityU), met and greeted around 200 new students at the annual O'Camp on 2 September. He was accompanied by 22 members of the following senior management team, deans of colleges and schools, and heads of departments:

    CityU President welcomes newcomers at O'Camp

    22 Aug 2017. More than 300 City University of Hong Kong (CityU) new students were welcomed by Professor Way Kuo, University President, at the opening ceremony of an orientation camp organised by the Students' Union at James Liu Multi-Purpose Room on 18 August. In his welcoming remarks, Professor Kuo shared the exciting news that a new ...